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NR&D Distributors

  Useful DOS/WIN Software

File Name Description
EPE5SW.ZIP DOS version of EPE5 software.
MEBSW.ZIP DOS version of MEB software.
SPE4SW.ZIP DOS version of SPE4 software.
MONITOR.EXE Serial Port DOS Eavesdrop Software. Use NRDMODE command to configure serial ports com1: and com2: before starting monitor.
SERMON.EXE Serial Port Windows Eavesdrop Software. Start from a command line. Here is a simple manual for evavesdropping on a 25-pin RS-232 connection.
NRDMODE.EXE DOS Serial Port MODE command.
NRDTERM.EXE DOS Serial Port terminal emulator.
NRDTOOL.EXE Windows Modbus Serial and Ethernet viewer.
PKUNZIP.EXE Utility to unarchive *.ZIP files.
PPTVIEW.EXE Viewer for presentations created using Microsoft PowerPoint; requires Windows 3.1 or better.
SLO.ZIP Slow-DOS for running Model 50 software on newer PC
ZAPREG32.EXE Command line WIN32 SY/MAX, Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, and Modbus/TCP Register Viewer.